For far too many years, regular Americans have been demeaned and attacked by our own left-leaning citizens and neighbors. I use the terms “citizens” and “neighbors” reluctantly because these individuals either behave as though they hate America or have proudly declared so, sometimes as they toss Molotov cocktails, burning buildings and vehicles, rioting and looting, killing law enforcement officers, and destroying our cities, homes, businesses, and monuments. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that? The more extreme of these so-called neighbors create university clubs and bolster domestic movements whose members resemble Jihadists, chanting, “death to America,” and other vile pronouncements.
Everything Is Racist
We’ve been relentlessly accused of being a racist nation despite:
- Being one of the most diverse nations in the world,
- Waging one of the bloodiest wars in our history in order to end slavery,
- Being home to many of the most affluent and influential members of any minority populations in the world, who are respected socially, politically, and intellectually,
- Ensuring civil liberties of all citizens, a core belief and conviction codified in the highest instrument of law in the land, the Constitution (a particularly important point given the large degree of diversity simply unknown to many other nations; it is easy to ensure civil liberties for homogenous populations).
We’ve been called racist and/or xenophobic for merely wanting secure borders and reasonable vetting of immigrants and visitors, although every other nation also implements these practices or soon learns that it should. If we mourn the loss of loved ones who fell victim to the violence of illegal invaders and further suggest that these atrocities were easily preventable, we are the ones who are vilified by the liberal media and the virtue signaling left, not the murderers and drug runners. Many decent Americans and businesses have been forced to leave our once venerated cities due to high crime and other intolerable consequences of leftist policies.
Demands, Endless Demands
The left doesn’t stop at burning cities, protecting criminals, and calling us names. No. They have demands, too, demands such as reparations for black Americans, but not for the families of fallen soldiers who gave their lives to end slavery and restore freedom and the inalienable rights of all Americans. They demand foreign aid, but offer insults to the hard working Americans who often struggle to pay their taxes, enabling the barnacles of Congress to greedily drain the public coffers for their own advantage. When Americans demand accountability and vote for it, these public nuisances, who ought to be public servants, instead obstruct, subvert, and concoct ridiculous excuses and accusations to divert attention from their own shady deeds. They demand that Americans fund their pet projects and ideologies regardless of whether or not they violate the conscience of the taxpayer.
They enact laws authorizing banks to snoop on our finances by reporting minor transactions, but demand that we, the people, mind our business and look the other way when we find evidence of fraud amounting to millions or billions of dollars. They screech at us that our auditors were not elected, yet they will drop 2500 page omnibus spending bills on senators’ and representatives’ desks then demand a vote within hours. It’s impossible to read and understand one of these bills in months, let alone hours, because not only is their length unwieldy, but they reference and amend countless other previously passed laws in a domino effect. Were these 2500 page bills written by elected officials? Certainly not!
America Has Its Problems
Obviously, I love America, but I’m not saying that we don’t have problems or that we don’t have shameful periods or events in our past. I’m not even saying that we are entirely innocent now. However, America is one of the most compassionate countries in the world.
- We have spilt our own (American) blood defending freedom around the world.
- We have spent billions upon billions of dollars in helping and assisting the less fortunate around the world. Most Americans are not against foreign aid. We are against the plunder of Americans to enrich bureaucrats at home and oligarchs abroad.
- We have published our knowledge, making it freely available to anyone who might benefit from it. There is no research or publicly available information that I have access to as an American citizen, that is not freely available to anyone in the world. If knowledge is power, we’re sharing it freely with all people.
I could go on for pages, but regardless of how many examples I cite, there will always be plenty of haters and hecklers shouting, “But America this, and America that… Oil, Imperialism… Screech, screech…” It’s not that they are entirely wrong, they’re just not helpful. They are clamoring, impetuous children who bicker and complain about how rough they have it with each degree of increased comfort and ease. They are spoiled brats. A spoiled brat can be right about his complaints and still be a miserable, rotten creature. A grateful person who toils in adversity and achieves some measure of comfort for himself and his loved ones, who recognizes the contributions of others along the way and who contributes to those around him in like manner, this person makes far more uplifting company than the chronic complainer. So I welcome constructive reform of our nation. I just don’t need a bunch of spoiled brats screeching constantly in my ear.
Corruption Is The Enemy
So far, in discussing the domestic enemies of our nation, I’ve focused mostly on the left. With their fake virtue signaling, hatred for freedom of speech, tight fisted control of the media and universities, obstructionist practices in Congress and governmental agencies, weaponizing of the Department of Justice, vigorous social engineering, sexualization and mutilation of children, mob-like behavior, propensity for building havens for ideologues, and their grievous yoke of high taxes, it is really easy for me to lose sight of the undeniable fact that the right wing can be and is almost as bad.
The left is preeminent right now, controlling almost everything, so that has been my focus. However, let us not forget that corruption has flourished in our nation’s capital due to the practices of both parties, both sides, both flavors of treachery. I despise corrupt republican senators more than democratic ones. They are an extra slimy salamander of “scum and villainy” (to borrow from Obi-Wan Kenobi). I apologize to salamanders for comparing them to these low life leeches. I apologize to leeches. At least democratic senators and representatives are elected to disrupt American culture. Republicans are elected specifically to be the adults in the room and they have betrayed us wickedly.
The Pendulum Is Swinging
Finally, we are beginning to take back our nation. We have the astonishingly good fortune of being able to accomplish it by the official actions of a duly elected president who is boldly keeping the promises he made to the people who elected him, something we have never seen in our lifetimes. It could be so much worse. What peoples in the history of the world have been able to take back their country from corrupt oligarchs and despots without revolution and great bloodshed? We are truly blessed! What a rare privilege! Sometimes, I am so overcome with gratitude for what is happening, I feel like pinching myself just to make sure it’s not a dream.
America is experiencing a best case scenario. Our enemies in the media, the deeply entrenched bureaucrats in Washington, and most especially, the treacherous barnacles of Congress are fighting us, but we will not be dissuaded. We will not give up. I want to thank President Trump, Elon Musk, Pam Bondi, Pete Hegseth, Marco Rubio, Robert Kennedy Jr., Kristi Noem, Tulsi Gabbard and all others who are taking a front line stand against the corruption that has riddled our nation. Let us root out evil and hold our freedoms dear so that, God forbid, we don’t lose them again to a regime of a different flavor. The pendulum swings in both directions. There will always be wickedness seeking to take advantage of the weak, the believing, the generous, and the kind. I hope that we can cultivate the virtue of being “wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Americans must succeed at creating the best life we can for our children and for the children of the world without being taken advantage of by tyrants and the enemies of virtue in any of their forms and disguises. For now, I am highly encouraged.
Written by Ariel Hammon.
P.S. As one more piece of anecdotal evidence of who the enemy is that we’re fighting today, I asked ChatGPT to help me with a cover image for an article I had written, “denouncing the corruption of the United States federal government and my appreciation for what President Trump and Elon Musk are doing to fight it.” I received a response stating that it could not help me because my requested image, “did not follow content policy guidelines.” When I asked instead for an image for “a different article about what a threat to democracy Trump is,” I received an A.I. generated image immediately.