An Effectual Door

I thought myself a driven insectAs I saw one fly against the pane,Ever searching for some slim escape,Probing the unseen borders of its cage. He was my brother by lot, poor fellow,For save he found a broken screenOr darted through the slamming door,His fate was fixed, was doomed for sure. He couldn’t perceive, as I … Read moreAn Effectual Door

To my son, Christmas 2023

The Geneva Bible (a Christmas gift to my son) This is the first complete English translation of the Bible taken entirely from the original languages of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. William Tyndale undertook the first such work, but he was martyred prior to completing the task, having initially translated the New Testament followed by parts … Read moreTo my son, Christmas 2023

To My Daughter On Her Wedding Day, IV

An Open Letter My Dear Daughter, A Natural FatherI entered your life, in a sense, without a personal invitation. We didn’t have a biological contract. I never fed you a bottle or rocked you in my arms or wiped away great orby tears from your eyes or kissed a boo-boo on your knee. I came … Read moreTo My Daughter On Her Wedding Day, IV

To My Daughter On Her Wedding Day, III

An Open Letter My Dear Daughter, The Year 2020Many people have spoken ill of this year, but I won’t do that. Time is precious. We have navigated many challenges in the midst of the current pandemic, but perhaps one of the most difficult for me to contemplate is missing out on witnessing your wedding vows. … Read moreTo My Daughter On Her Wedding Day, III

The Lesser Of Two Evils

Please ask yourselves a few questions: How frequently have you thought or said that you’re voting for the lesser of two evils? How often have you lamented the dishonesty of politicians? Called them liars? Have you ever lamented corruption in government? Lobbying and special interests? Do you believe that government is generally or frequently inept? … Read moreThe Lesser Of Two Evils

To My Daughter On Her Wedding Day, II

An Open Letter My dear daughter, To The Marriage Of True MindsThe god of English (a.k.a. Shakespeare) wrote that love “bears [the vicissitudes of time] out even to the edge of doom.” Who am I to argue with a god? Perhaps doom is our inevitable end, but even so, my love for you will endure … Read moreTo My Daughter On Her Wedding Day, II

To My Daughter On Her Wedding Day

An Open LetterNovember 7, 2019 My dear daughter, A Significant DayFor me, your inauguration into married life ranks up there with other transformative experiences such as marrying your mother, becoming a father, and even being born. I hope it is as significant for you, too, in a most positive way. I have an everlasting appreciation … Read moreTo My Daughter On Her Wedding Day

On the Origin and Destiny of Man

An Open Letter To My Children (part 4) My Dear Children, About the TitleI borrowed the title of this letter from a book written by Charles Darwin titled On the Origin of Species and from an article published by John Taylor titled Origin, Object, and Destiny of Women. Although this piece is nothing like either … Read moreOn the Origin and Destiny of Man

Are We Alone?

A new study published last June by Anders Sandberg, Eric Drexler, and Toby Ord claims to dissolve the long standing Fermi paradox. The paradox, named after the gifted physicist Enrico Fermi, stems from an apparent conflict between the lack of evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) and the large number of planets in our galaxy estimated … Read moreAre We Alone?

Open Letter To My Children (part 3)

My Dear Children, A parent carries a heavy burden. For instance, my decisions impact not only my own life but the lives of my children and likely multiple generations after them, as well. The thought shakes me to the core. There are minor decisions and there are major decisions. In spite of the unavoidable consequences … Read moreOpen Letter To My Children (part 3)